Saturday, August 3, 2019


 I was suppose to join my ride club for a good climb tomorrow to Paradise.   I was feeling good this morning, but my leg just won't stop being achy, stingy and just out right discomforting.  So I have to say no to the ride.   :(      
This was my leg on the  July 27th  before it started to swell really bad.

I kind of fucked up.  Hanging my head in shame.  I was so focused on getting to 1000 miles I pushed my leg into riding 114.00 more miles to get to my goal. & I did a two more rides after that.  :(    I really should have not done that.  I wanted to get to my goal.     So I guess I'm paying the price. 

 This is today.  And bruises just keep popping up.  The bruise at the bottom is new. 
The majority of the pain is right from the big bruise at the top.  
 And the one along side my food that's new.  

I have fell off my bike before and never got hurt. WHY! Because I was relaxed and I rolled into the fall.

With this fall I grabbed onto a small tree to break my fall.  Bad idea, but try to tell my reflexes that.

I'm going to stay off the bike until the leg heal, because the pain is really driving me nuts.

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