Tuesday, April 12, 2016


UP DATE:    Well this month has officially gone down the drain.  We did one awesome bike ride and that was it. I really believe that this would have been over and done with quickly, I was wrong.   Healing is not going really fast.  Went back to the dentist to see what was going on.  The Good news every thing is healing just fine.  The bad news, by pulling the tooth out they over stretched the ligaments on both sides of my jaw, which is 1000 times more painful than the tooth that I had pulled.   What I thought was gum pain was not gum pain, it was ligament pain.  I've been eating nothing but cottage cheese, yogurt, eggs for protein and soup.   My energy level is crap.  And the sucky part is that this might last another week.  :(    Even walking hurts.  I'm on Ibuprofen & Acetaminophen at the same time.   When I take them both at the exact same time, I'm pain free for one hour.  Then the pain come right back.   And oh yeah I get to carry around a Fiji water bottle full of piping hot water so I can function.  

P.s The next post will have nothing to do with my mouth.   Moving on.

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