Thursday, March 9, 2017

0 miles, 1 Camera Cord. :)

 My camera cord just arrived today so here some of the going on's.   :)  

My mother in-law killing it on the bike.   She truly become a cycling junkie.  Going to be giving her my bike at the end of the week.   
 Yeah and you thought I make this up.  See the guy sleeping on the tree that is in the water.  
Darwin Honorable Mention goes to this guy. He is sleeping on a full size tree that got up rooted during the high flooding. The tree is resting along side the wall to the park. If that tree gets dislodged for any reason and turns over the branches would trap him from getting to the surface for air.
 And here is my step father in-law zooming away.   Camera shy, but I got him anyway.  
 Rainbow  :)   It's very faint, but their is a double rainbow. 
In person this one could be clearly seen.  I put arrows on it, it's faint, but it is there.  This is a Low Rainbow.   I've seen a lot of rainbows over my life time, but never one doing the Limbow.   

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