Thursday, March 9, 2017

Unbelieveble! ...............

I'm sad and mad at the same time.  Because I'm not getting a break from my stupied teeth.   Enough already.   I got the clear from the Dentist and he said everything is good to go.   I was like cool.   And like clock work one of the fillings he did cracked and got infected.  So I'm dead in the water.  March is turning out to be really shitty for bike riding.   I got a check up appointment. But who know when he'll actually do something.  I tried to do a really slow bike ride and only got out the door before I could feel the lovely throbbing pain of the infection.     So yeah I'm not a happy camper.   This is really depressing, because the weather is just so nice and every one is riding expect me.     My legs are trying to divorce me.   :( :(   So that's that.      Well the only thing to be happy about is that my sore throat and my mini bronchitis attack didn't happen at the same time.   That would have been the pit's if it did.    So now all I can do is study the bike route on The Velo web site.   The faster this can be fixed the better.     Maybe I should change my title from Cycling Journal to Cycling with tooth problems.  uhhhhhgggggg!      

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