Thursday, March 16, 2017


The picture looked appropriate.  LOL

Well their is hope.  I should get the clear by the 21 of this month and I should be able to hope back on the bike.   Just so glad it was not a tooth infection.  My lymph node on the side of my jaw line is actually almost gone.  It looked like a rock in my face.  I think this was the worst sinus infection that I had, because it make my the teeth on my left side so sensitive I could not chew my food at all.  So for about a week I on a liquid foods.      

So five more days to go.   So I have a month to play catch up.    On a funny note, I cleaned the every living day lights out of my bike.  LOL   I been using a UV rubber restorer that I use on my car on the rubber on the bike. Talk about shinny and it really looks snazzy.   I don't use it on the tires.   But I was like hmmm how about the seat.  LOL     I did take the bike out for a very short ride, and when I mean short the speedometer didn't hit a mile,  and yet that stupidly short ride I could feel it in my mouth.   But the funny part was I shined up my seat and I was slipping and slidding all over the place.     But it made moving from one position to another incredibly easy.   So on long rides this might come in really handy.   ;)     

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