Monday, September 12, 2016

11/12/2016 15.36 miles

 Great ride today.  Miss my hubby, but he just has to much home work. :(     
Felt really good today.   In fact so good I went up the hill 5x.   No dogs,  only a few people on foot and the road was blocked off from cars so it was really great.   I figured out that going up the hill 5x is about almost 2 miles.   Cool beans. 
Well I figured out the 25 miles hour mystery.  It must have happen was when I was going down hill peddling on the way out of the valley.  But it did it just for a second.  But I didn't peddle as hard today so my max speed was more normal as you'll see below.
15.36 miles

 1 hour and 9 minutes.

Max Speed 22.5
Average speed 13.0

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