Tuesday, September 27, 2016

33.98 miles / 9 miles 9/27/2016

 Looks like this is the new set up, it will not let me move the pictures to the side of copy and paste anything.  Dropped my computer pretty hard yesterday, surprised it's still working.
Well it was another one of those days today, got up and just was not feeling the love, but my legs were like "Hey their! Ya You get on your bike!  GET ON YOUR BIKE!   So I got on my bike. Told my self I was going to take it easy, told my self that I was going to go slow.  Well that didn't happen I ended up doing 6 reps up the hill and flying like a bat with my butt on fire.  And I kept going and going.  33.98 miles of going.    Around 24 miles Hubby decided to join me out on the bike path, could not refuse ridding with hubby.  He only did 9 miles and as soon as we were done, he stuck his head right back in the books.  

33.98 miles
2 hours 41 mintues
22.5  Max
12.6 Average.  

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