Monday, September 19, 2016

9/19/2016 14.56 miles

 Well what ever was going on yesterday it's over. Today I felt great even did 5 reps up the hill.  I think my favorite part of going up hill is the look on people faces.  That's the best motivation, when they think you can't do it.  And then I do it 5 times.  Bwhaaaaa!      It's really amazes me how intuned with you body you get when you ride on a regular basis.  Ride enough and your legs shut up, not even a peep. Don't right enough their in your face screaming at you.  And if you don't ride your whole day is ruined.  And you become hyper aware of what goes in your mouth.  Coffee Yes.  But if I eat a pizza,  I can 
or any fried food which is very rare for us, it turn me into mush and I'll feel like crap.
14.56 miles
24.3 Max speed.
13.0 Average speed.
1 hour and 6 minutes.  

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