Friday, September 23, 2016

9/23/2016 ME: 0. LEGS: 2 21.52 miles total

I totally thought my hubby was not going to ride to day.  And we got home and he was like let's do a ride.  And I was like waaaa I want to go with you.   So considering, I got to wrack up the cycling.     Did 21.52 miles and hubby did about 9 miles.   

Boy did we go out at the wrong time.  Came around the corner were their a school and the kids were getting out.  We got stuck in a crowd of about 20 teeny boppers on bike. Trapped.   Their were so many of them it was really difficult to escape.  In order to escape we had to get into the other lane of traffic and speed up really fast. Going up to 20 mph we cleared the pack easily.   One of the show off who though he was going really fast, eye's got really big when we past him and two of the girls at the front of the pack were like Whoa!.    Riding around kids and teens freak me out, because their all over the place and they don't pay attention, basically their unpredictable.   And when your riding in the part they don't get out of the way they gravitate toward you?    

The second ride with hubby was fun, and I still felt great.   Actually when we got home, I could have kept going.   I think the reality of whats coming up with my mouth is making me want to keep on going.

21.53 miles
21.8 max
13.5 Average speed.
1 hour and 34 minutes.

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