Monday, September 26, 2016

18.00 miles 9/26/2016

 Started out today not wanting to do a ride, but I'm glad I did, made me feel real good. 
I rode by my self today. :(    But there's always another day to ride with hubby.  Did four reps up the hill then headed off then headed off to 1 mile.    Had a lady yell out  "Love your sweater" ??  LOL  Yeah I wearing a sweater while riding.  Omg that would be so hot.   Then that's not all on the way home from 16 miles into the ride I was in closer to town and I had this van pass in front of me and all the passengers were waving at me. OK?  I waved back and shrugged it off because I thought they were waving at someone else.  Nope they waving at me.  :)   About another mile and a half I caught up with them and they were waving at me. LOL  
No tooth pain today so I'm going with the flow, today was a good day to ride.
 18.00 miles exactly.
23.4 Max speed. 
13.0 average
1 hour & 22 minutes. 

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