Tuesday, May 2, 2017

18.3 miles and Crap (OUT) at the Crit.

 Their is good ride days and then their are bad ride days.  This was not a good day for me.  You can tell by the look on my face that I was not wanting to do this.  I road out their to (WATCH) the Crits. Not ride in the Crits.  So yes I am really mad at my self for being talk into it.  Next time I go I'm going to take the car, so there is no way I can get talked into to doing it.   I got about 4 rounds and then my body went on OK NO more.  So I stop cold turkey.   Yeah yeah the fat chick could not do it.   Meh!!!      My hubby thought I was nut's, I think he's right.  I'm better doing endurance than racing.  So even thought they gave me a number, I'm probably not going to do this again.   May be I'll volunteer.    But the ride home was horrible, my side hurt and I had a stomachache.   I did 65 miles and did not have either.    I already didn't feel to hot on the ride out.     I'm not even going to do the fun 50, I need to really take a break.    
 I wait a while then catch back up with the fun 50.   That is were I need to be.   I like going fast, but racing is not where it's at for me.
If I drop another 100 pound, still nope.    I want to concentrate on going 50 to 100.    

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