Monday, May 15, 2017


Sorry for the small photo, but I had a hell of a time trying to get this picture from NASA.  Yes I am the first person to ride my bike to the moon and back. And yes I am a alien, I don't need oxygen to breath, so either way I'm fine.     Just had to check out one of the abandon rovers too cool.  As for the ride leaving earth gravitation pull was really super hard, but once you break free it's smoothing sailing.   Cycling in 0 gravity is super fun, but my bike has special jet packs, to keep me on track.    So I bike 238,855 miles to the moon. Round trip was 477,710 miles.   I ended up staying a couple of day and taking a break.  Bleak, except for the rover.    What did I do for food?   I had a pack on my bike with enough.    Now as for the reentry back to earth, you could say ouch, Yes it get really hot. But like I said.   I'm a Alien, so no big deal.    

Till next time.  ;)

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