Friday, May 5, 2017


 Back to normal, feeling the love on the ride.   But darn I started to late.  I was kind of hoping to hit 100, but oh well maybe next time.   
I'm happy with 71.2.  

Hubby jumped in for a 12.1 mile ride with me. Then went back home, to do homework. 
 Why are the sprinklers out in the middle of the field.  WHY!   I have a obsession of riding through sprinklers.   Only if their not on someone property and near were I can ride.   If their is a sprinkler I will ride thought it.
 Today was hot to overcast. I love the fact it got cooler and cooler.  Enjoying it while it last and not looking forward were it's 90 at night. 
 Overcast.  Lovely and cool.

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