Tuesday, May 16, 2017

41.2 miles on a windy day.

 Great ride today even on a windy day.   But it said the current wind was only 16 mph?   Really I was getting knocked around on the bike with pretty hard gust of wind.  And riding head on into the wind is not fun.   But all in all I feel great.   Finally!   Beside the wind the weather was nice and cool, I like.

 And it's Pipevine Swallow tail season so lot's and lot's of caterpillars will be moving along the bike path.   If you can make a effort to avoid pot holes you can make a effort to avoid these guy's. I have to say it make riding more interesting.   But there are plenty of people who just don't give a rat's ass.  I see squished ones.  

Here is what a Pipe Vine Swallow tail looks like as a butterfly.  Beautiful.   

 Windy, windy and very windy.  Like I said I can not believe just 16 mph wind.   

 My legs are very happy. 

Not going fast to day. 
This time down hill just coasting.   So like I said no going fast. 

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