Tuesday, June 14, 2016

32 & 52.76 miles 6/14/2016

 What a perfect day to be out on a bike and riding with my hubby.  Feeling Awesome.  

 Hey look who hitch a ride on me.  Beautiful. It looked just like a petal off a flower. I'm going to see if I can find out what it was.  It was too small to try to transfer on to a plant, so I just left it.  It has to be some sort of beetle.  
 Coming back down some kids in a car were looking at my cat and their faces were priceless.
As I was looking at them I was going 16 miles an hour and look back to see were hubby was and OMG he's gone!!!!!  Panic. He decided to were brown shirt today, why I do not know, but he was so far back he blended with the brown grass.  He had stop to answer the phone.   But for a split second I thought he was lying in the grass from a fall.    He had a good laugh after I told him.  
 After our water fight.  Ahh cool and refreshing.  We both had cliff bars to refuel.  
Chris decided to call it quits at 32 miles. But then he told me after the fact that he did not eat as much as he should have.    I on the other hand had some energy so I kept peddling 52.76 miles more.    And oh man.   Yes it was hard and yes my butt and legs are sore.   I felt feral.  
I am beginning to realize something.  Chris is good at climbing endurance and I'm better at distance endurance.

50 miles into the ride, this guy comes up besides me and want to race.   Um no.  If I would have been fresh out the gate I could have whipped his ass and how do I know that, because he had to stand up on a mild upgrade and was not doing so well.
   When I got to 49 miles a little buzzer when off in my head that said Home...go home.   I didn't even take a break, I turn the corner at 1 mile and went home.
Out by my self.  

 13.1 is my Average speed felling pretty good about that.

Now take into consideration this is a half century.
A full century would be
100 miles
8 hours
5663.4 calories burn.

P.s no cycling for me tomorrow.  Nope nope and nope.

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