Friday, September 2, 2016

9/2/2016 13.12 miles

YA I have a new Speedometer.  But unlike the other one this one is really hard to take a picture of. I had to take a lot of pictures just to try to get a clear shot.   A lot better ride today.

13.12 miles

Maximum Speed  23.4   No I did not keep it very long, just only a few seconds.   
 Here is my average speed.  :D  Very proud of my self and my hubby, he didn't ride with me today, but I know he can keep up with me.
 14.1 is my average speed. To obtain this I have to keep my speed between 17 miles and hour to 20 miles and hour.   Pant pant pant.    I'm still shaking my head that I powered though all my bike ride with a broken axle.    
 54 minutes
And here is the cream of the crop.   This was my average speed for exactly 2.7 miles.  This is keeping my speed between 19 and 20 miles and hour.

Ok I had the sqeee moment on the end of my bike ride and I was going a lot slower.  Pa pa quail came out of the bushes with newly hatch baby quail.  Their so tiny. Like mini fluffy m&m's with legs.  

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