Saturday, September 3, 2016

9/3/2016 35.11 miles

 Really great ride today and the weather was really nice.   And the best part got to ride with hubby.  :)     We paced our selves this time and tried to maintain a steady pace. 

35.11 miles

Maximum Speed 21.8
 Glowing Average 12.1

2 hour and 52 minutes.   
In Durham we stopped off at the local store and Chris went in to get some gatorade and he came back out with a new flavor of Cliff bar.   Chocolate Peanut Butter filled Nut Butter.    So we stopped off at our favorite place to take a break and tried the new bars.   Too our surprise they has less calories, so that was already a plus with us.   In order to try or find new cliff bar flavors, one must ride exceeding 30 to 40 miles. lol   But I can not wait to try the rest of the flavors.    
Chocolate and Hazelnut butter, Coconut Almond butter & Peanut Butter.  
On the way out to the air port a man deck out in his cycling gear came up beside me so close I could have reach over and picked his nose. It startled me and I jumped.   Too close buddy, way too close. 
On our rides we encounter lot's and lot's of dogs.  Some leashed some not, some behind fences some in window.  The funniest thing is when their behind fences and all you hear is the barking then wham!  The dog or dog's momentarily stop barking to recover from hitting what ever type of fence they live behind and then resume barking like they never hit it.     This is why I am a cat person, cat have discernment, dog don't. 

 We ride thought the Almond fields to Durham and it's really cool to see all the trees loaded with almonds or all the almonds on the ground ready for harvest.    If only I could have a vacuum on my back. Then as I ride I could suck them up and no one would every no.   Ok well no, but it would be nice.  ha    

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