Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Volunteered for the 2018 Airport Criterium today.  I made sure everyone signed in and got the right class numbers for the race.   I got there a hour and a half early and was Wabbit hunting.  There were Jack rabbits all over the place, so as I rode in circles I kept my eye out so I could take a picture on one.  Did I get a video or picture.  No.  All I could see is ears sticking up out of the grass.   LOL    
 Were are all the people?
 Oh there they are.  :)  Lot's of people signed in and got there numbers.  There was a Junior class to. 
 Waiting for things to get started.
 This is team tag!  When your having a hard time tagging your self, you team up with someone else and it helps.

I'll be going back on the 8th to do this all over again.  :)  

 Having the wind at my back.

Riding into the wind. LOL

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