Saturday, May 12, 2018


In order to go the distance one must be level headed.  I am constantly thinking about what I'm doing and how far I can push my self with in reasonable limits. 
After 5 years of cycling I have ever never bonked.  I been dog dead tired, but no bonking to the point where I had to get off the bike and fall over.  Ha I remember one time riding up to Paradise with the group. The last 0.4 miles  I was told oh you can stop at the top and rest.  LMAO.  I get to the top and the group takes off.  So much for resting.  I only stop only for a few minutes and were off again. Bathroom breaks are for the weak.
To keep my self from burning out, I've gone over my old records riding notes and for my self I do need to take a one or two day break, but that doesn't mean I can't get any good riding in.  Actually taking the breaks make me stronger.

In other news I forgot to mention that on the ride on the 9th I had a cramp on my right side. I was thinking to my self  "Oh Shit" I'm having a cramp and were just 28 miles into a 65 miles ride.  I was freaking.   WTF am I going to do?  I lucked out big time because it only lasted about 1 and a half miles then it completely went away.   But I was on edge the whole ride waiting for it to return, but it didn't   Whew! 
I pushed my self hard yesterday on the 11th, windy?  Nahhh just a slight breeze.   My thighs are literally on fired as I'm sitting here and typing.  And I could not get my self up this morning,  it was a grueling ride.   And come to think of it, it was really up hill training.  Because I was going so slow it was like going to Forest Ranch.  So yeah I got a hell of a work out.   If I'm going to accomplish my goals I got to use my head, so today is going to be another break day.  If I ride to day I'm going to burn my legs out and if I do, it will make things that much harder.  
So far my recipe for pushing my self has payed off and by fine tuning my journal and learning from it and not repeated things that don't work.  I'm able to push my self further and further.    Oh yeah I'm not stupid nor am I arrogant.  I'm not a untouchable things happen and sooner or later I'll have my first bonk.   I can't count how many rides I've been on were I left the house with out eating but only a few bite of this or that. Then do a hard ride with the Friday group ride.  Coffee is my life line, that is why I beat everyone there. LOL

Insanity!   Is know full well what your getting your self into on a ride when the weather is hellish.   What is worst crashing or getting blown around by the weather?   So yeah Crashing, so riding in the wind, rain, hail or a dust bath, that nothing.  In the rain you get wet, in the hail you get the (#@&3*#&) pelted out of ya.  The wind you get knocked around from all sides, the dust you get layers of flavor.   So yeah  

Here is my hubbies logic.  ;)   1. If I accidentally get caught in a hail storm, he will be worried and concerned.   2. If I willing go out to ride in a hail storm when I get home he laughs his ass off.  LOL 
 Hell when I get back I'm laughing too.

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