Sunday, May 6, 2018


It was a little hot, with a little wind, but the wind was cool.  And towards the middle of the ride the clouds covered the sun a bit so it ended up being a very enjoyable ride.   As I rode up to the gear art were my bike is parked, a happy little mocking bird had caught a huge unhappy caterpillar.  
 Off I go with my white strip across my forehead.  Its a Velo strip, it keep the sweat out of my eyes and it really works.   Going on the flats I don't have to worry about sweat, but when I do climbing that's when it becomes a problem.   
 Traces of the Wild flower. 
 Wildflower with lot's of little bugs calling it home. 
It's a weed.  It's a lovely weed at that.  They usually grow in a small cluster all by them selves.  With a few other around.  Yup!   It's called a Mullein.  This is a pant with some interesting history.   If you want to dive deeper into the world of this amazing weed.  Copy and paste this
 or type the below into google. 
Simply Living: A weed with a long history

 A beautiful little yellow crab spider hanging out waiting for it's next meal.

 On the way back home I rode slowly down the bike path and passed a family with two kids, the boy looked about 6 and the girl about 2.   I had some fun.   I told him that I was the cookie monsters wife and I gave his parents permission to get him and his sister a cookie today.  OMG!  The look on his face was priceless and his parents got a good laugh out of it.  And on that note they were off to get a cookie.  LOL  Mission accomplished.    No child left uncookied. 

 Ahhh I was gunning for 30mph.  I'll get there again.  Even if it's only for a couple of seconds.

Goat cheese on a cracker. Yummy.

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