Wednesday, May 9, 2018


  AWESOME!  Ride today with great women!   We were 6 wheels tearing up the road today. ;)    Going down was very challenging because there was a strong head wind.  But coming back was really nice we had the wind at our back.

I'm sore, very sore.  But a sore day is a good day. 
280.37 miles into May and I'm doing good. 

                    Here we go!

 Lundberg Rice Farm & Store. 

 Chowing down and taking a break. 
Stuffing my face.  
 Cool old tractor. 
 Wow I've never seen anything like this before.  It looked like a bottle brush bush on steriods.   But it wasn't.  Christine informed me not to touch it because it's poisons.   That after about I just kidding.
 Headed home.  

For the Wild flower it was 4:17 mintues.  We left a different way.


And for the Wild flower it's exactly the same when I got home.
When we got into Chico it read 15.4 for average speed.  When I go home I loses numbers. 

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