Sunday, May 27, 2018


 Headed off to do my first ride with the Club I joined.  Remember the Pie ride that was canceled so many time, well this is the Pie ride.    Notice how fresh I look.  LOL
 Prioritys people, I had my coffee before the ride. 
 Loading up the bikes.
 LENA!    My riding partner.  Thank you so much for letting me car pool with you.
 Getting to the arrival destination. 
Well goof ball me, I thought we were going to Elk Grove LOL.   No it's Elk Creek.  Big difference. 135 miles difference.

 Our leader Pam. 

 He really road like this. No. LOL
 Ok people listen up.  Tell us about the ride.
 Here we go.  Look how many people showed up. I counted 21 in all.  Cool beans.
On the way out there was a huge turtle on the edge of the road.  It had a little flag and was cheering us on. 
 No clouds for shade. 

 The half way point, taking a break.

 Not cracking yet.

 Almost there.

 The front group reaching our destination.
 Tired but not beat.

 Ok here is what it's all about PIE!
Cherry pie.
 Black Berry Pie.  
And wow it was amazing.  You could tell it was hand picked berries.
 Nom nom nom.
 Mean while out side.

 And inside. :)

Headed back.
 The way we came from.
 Wonder were this goes.

 The ride back was brutal.  I mean really really brutal.  The wind was so strong, it was grueling.
 Our rest stop.
 Zombiefied and Cracked. 
Uhhhhh. uhhhhh.   Yeah This was a hard ass ride on the way back.
 After this hill I had about 5 more. 

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