Thursday, May 24, 2018


I was doing laps, and on my way up one road there was a cul-de-sac with a tike on a bike.   He just learned how to ride a bike and all he could see what my bike, he had absolutely no interest in the cookie monster. LOL   So with his dad's permission I road around in circles with him a few times.  So cute.  No I don't take pictures of random kids riding bikes in the road.   But he was ready to go go go until he found batteries in the road.   Then he got distracted.  LOL   I told his dad about Wild Wood park and the little guy was really excited.  

I took a picture of the plaque on the wall and it's really sad to me to think of all the facilities across the nations dedicated to our children, and some of them will never live to see these places, because were not protecting them.  Guns are every were and there a mass shooting every week.  This is the world we chose to live in and accept.  :(

Water Break.
 It was sun, shade, sun, shade, sun.  I can deal with that.
when I got home I crashed, I was so tired. 

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