Tuesday, June 19, 2018


So yeah I made this last night.  I can't remember the last time I made a pie.  I didn't hold back with the ingredient either.  I now use avocado and garbanzo beans for the crust, but I used the B word. BUTTER.   Your probably thinking avocado and garbanzo beans for the crust WTF?  Sound awful, but don't knock it till you try it.  

Did the first half of my ride this morning.   Not going fast, just meandered around.   

So by the time I get out to the Air port I'll and back home I'll be at 39 miles and add the Crit mileage I should be over 40 ish.    

Ha ha This is going down hill and getting through the signal.  So no I was not sprinting.  I just wanted to make the green light.

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