Monday, June 25, 2018


 Great ride today.  The weather cooled down so I got out there and did a long ride.   I am now 187.32 miles shy or 1000 miles and I've got 5 days left.  

The only odd thing that happen today was when I got to Horse shoe pond, there was a guy up there taking a break.  He recognized me from my Barns and Nobles days.   Then he ask me if I was single and I said nope I'm married.   Then he said Don't lose too much weight, you looked better when you were heavier.   (.....)   He was not rude, but he seemed bummed out that I has lost weight.  That's a first.

Speaking of weight.   When I was heavier everyone would say omg did you lose weight ya da ya da ya da.,  But now that I have lost weight those same people are quite and don't say a word.  How funny.   

 Going to join the Women WOW group this Wednesday.   Then Friday doing a group ride around Lake Almanor.  

No more breaks, just got to keep on riding. 

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