Wednesday, June 6, 2018

40.21 & DOING GOOD.

 6 days into June and I'm rocking the miles.
6 days into May and my mileage was 135.69
6 days into June and my mileage  is 229.79.  :)   So yeah I'm happy.  

so.... who freaking out over the 666. LOL   Boo.  

I just has to stop and take a picture of these pink flowers, they were so darn tiny, my camera does not have auto zoom so it's a bit blurry. 
 Neat type of grass. 
 Me looking sore.    This is the sore smile.
 One of the bridges I don't cross of a regular bases.  I saw a heron fly over, but of course I could not see where it landed.  Bummer.

Am I sore and tired, yes.

No for the funny part.  I have now been dubbed the Intimidator by one of the A-main Crit riders.  LOL 
Here the rest of what I been called.  Beast, Force of Nature and now the Intimidator.  Bawahahaha.

Right now I am the Really Tired Intimidator.  LOL

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