Saturday, June 16, 2018


I forgot to mention this.  This is on blog were you see my Tiger socks.  ;)
This is were I wish I had the set up on my bike for the Vivatar to record the moment.  LMAO.
And I really don't care if no one believes me I know exactly what I did.

Here what happened.
I was just getting to the intersection, as I road pass the gas station there was a guy in a red convertible mustang just leaving the gas station. Usually I'm not good with cars at all, but this one I am.  No mistaking a mustang.  And it was old school.

The Distance 1.5 miles. Yeah I know exhilarating LOL.   Well I gunned it and was flying like grease lighting.  I beat him to the Fir street.   I was sitting by the cross walk, not waiting for him particularity, I was just wanting to cross the street, but when I spotted him this guy had a major case of slack jaw if I ever saw one.  LOL     So yeah I creamed a mustang, in traffic that is.
But let's be realistic, If it was me and the mustang with no traffic,  yeah right. LOL   

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