Saturday, June 24, 2017

20.8 Miles & DROPPED

 Yeah I got dropped, but that's totally ok.  And no I didn't make it to Centerville like I wanted to, but guess what that's ok to, I did my best.  
I usually determine my ride by the first 6 to 10 miles and then I let my body tell me whats going on.  If I feel pumped and crazed, hell yeah I keep going.  Today I was not feeling the love, even after I took a break, my body was not in the mood, so headed back home from the covered bridge.   
But considering is was still a great ride, everyone was really nice and all 7 of us.  Not a huge group, tiny.  And what was even nicer at the end they waited for me, so I could tell them what was going to do.  They are probably not to stopping to the fact that they made the effort was highly appreciated.    I can't wait to try it again.  Just because I had a bad run, won't mean the next try will be the same and if it is, try again.   Practice makes perfect.  

Oh just to let you know Costco is having a sale on Mini 24 Hamster packs with wheel's.  Install them in your bike and your speed will increase by 34%.   They sell out really fast.  

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