Friday, June 9, 2017


Yup Rat's Ass. That is what I think about people who look down at me.  This chick comes with fangs.

Well going into June is meh.  I disappointed, but ho hum.  It is what it is.  So this is just a longer rest period for me than normal and give my sun burn skin a break.
Dang, Dang and Dang I wanted to do the 100 through the park when it was cooler.   Now it's going to start to heat up again I'm going to get roasted.

As for being fat.  This is me at 325 pounds.  I've worked my ass off to get down to 255.  And guess what I'm still fat.  LOL  I can laugh it off. 

So for the rest of this post I thought I would add all my favorite quotes on cycling and what not.   

My own personal meme. ;)

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