Saturday, June 17, 2017

24.3 MILES 6/17/2017 WENT BACK OUT.

 Did 12.1 miles this morning then had to fricken deal with my legs telling me WTF are you doing why did you stop riding.   Uhgggg.   My legs are like two unruly toddlers, whining.    So to shut them up I when back out and did another loop.   And it was very hot with a warm strong wind that was kind knocking my bike around.  Going   Who cares about not doing the 24.3 miles all at once.   All I care about is I did a ride. 
 My right knee is giving me problems, so I need to find out why.   I am up high enough on the seat to have my tip toes on the ground.  I might have just sprained. 

Riding in the heat is a pain in the took-kiss.  
This Wednesday the temperature is suppose to be around 110.   It will be the Fry 50.   I'm sure there still going to do it, I don't see why they wouldn't.  But it will be hot, hot, hot. 

I'm just going to play each day by ear and see what happens.   If I end up doing 12 to 24 miles  a day to the end of the month that's fine with me.     June and July seem to be less miles for me, but that ok.   

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