Wednesday, June 14, 2017


 This was a totally awesome day for me. WOW I really felt the riders high all day I was in a state of euphoria.  :)   I started the day out with a 21 mile warm up before I did the 50.   I am so glad I did.     
And yes that is a pizza and yes I am eating it and yes it is delicious. mmmmmmmmmm
And wow talk about last minute fixes to the back tire I really lucked out.  Everything was fix, but I had a squeaky back tire.?   Sounded like a chipmuck was caught in it.   Grrrrr no squeek is going to stop me.   I was determined to do the 50 after flaming out twice before. 

Great ride, today with the fun 50 lot's of people.  Everyone seemed to be doing their own thing so it was a bit hard to form a pace line at time.   But other wise it was a great ride.  

While ever one speed off into the distance,
about a two 1/2 miles from the school one of our member fell short, so I an another gentleman stayed with her.  So glad we did she was really have a had time and had to get off her bike and put her head down.  We waited with her until her hubby picked her up.   I'm not into leaving anyone behind no matter how slow their going. 
 That is not the way I roll. 

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