Monday, June 5, 2017


Well I been thinking and thinking and doing some more thinking and this is still my new goal.  But if I'm going to do this I got to do my home work double time.   I want to use the 60 flat flower as the stage.  Doing that 65 miles 3 time with a additional 5 miles is exactly 200 miles. This is one option.  
My hubby wants me to do it thought the park.  Doing 100 miles thought the park is very hard, doing 200 miles through the park I feel like maybe their should be a coffin waiting for me at the end.   Toward upper park I go up two very tiny hills and those two tiny hills turn into the Tour de Pain after the 7th, 8th, & 9th time.     And the other down side is it would take me all day.   On a flat road I could go faster and not have to worry about hills.      So mmmm 200 miles thought the park.  Dang.  Well the sliver lining is I get to walk BuckleBerry Ferry every time.   That help the legs.   And it is very cool in the park.  So it make sense.    But again this is not until I can do 100 miles and feel good.    I'm using my head.   I'm going to do it like I do, when I do the 100.   (Dang that a lot of do's)    Rest, Hydrate, Eat, & Walk.    The side road I use now increases my speed, because no people and it's smoother.   But going around in circles for 20 times.  I'm going to beyond mental.  I'll be feral.

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