Tuesday, June 20, 2017


Met up with Mike Wood this morning to beat the heat and ride up to the Centerville, said hi to all the dead people at the cemetery as we past.  ;)
 It's been over a year sense I've been up past the Honey Run Covered Bridge.  I forgot how beautiful of a ride it was.  Lot's of flowers and lot's of Fig trees, wow.  But none of them were producing.  They need a lot of water and the right soil to produce. Luckily I know were a huge tree is.
Well I can now say my butt got kicked.  I have never climbed so many hills in one day.   Maybe not a tough ride for some, but it was a very hard and good ride.  Mike can do it in 1 hour, it took me 2:02 minutes and I thank him for his patience.  Slupping along with me.   
So I was thinking maybe it was a good thing my spoke broke that one day. I probably would have gotten dropped, but I now know that I would have completed it, even if I was by my self. 
Riding thought Bidwell Park all the time I am in my comfort zone and I know what to expect around each corner and find my self complacent  with the challenges at had.    Going to Centerville for me was going out side of my comfort zone and was a challenge.  My Tour De I can do this and I did.  

This weird guy on a bike followed me all the way and back, I just could not drop him.  :)
What he's really thinking. "I could be home by know."    LOL      

Proof that I made it their.  
A couple of cyclist past up with a Whooooosh.   Yeah they were going hellishly fast.   I broke my speed record going down hill 34.1 mph.   eeeeeeeee  
The usual suspects.  Well at least they were friendly.   And the one on the right was stalking the trail of 1/2 of a cliff bar I dropped
Cliff Bar 0  
Dog Score 1.

I'm happy with this.  Considering all the hills. 

 Caught in the act of smelling a fallen cliff bar.
Cliff bar were the cliff bar .......

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