Monday, June 5, 2017


 What is a peddle piss?  A peddle piss is when you're all raring to go excited and can't wait to ride and then your bike breaks or something else affects the ride.
Only did a whopping 9.2 miles.   Walk 3ish and rode very slowly home.  Not a fan riding with a broke spoke, but I did.   
I got to Cycle sports and snap.  I didn't even ride hard here.   All I got was two days of riding.   Ugghhhh.

Now as for Cycle Sports.   hmmmmmm  I like getting to things early, gives me time to think about things, or see what's going on.    Well I walked into the store and asked the people behind the counter,  "Is this were the 6 o'clock Centerville Ride happens".  Because sometimes I read things wrong, so I want to make sure.    This is what I got after they scrutinized my body size.    "Oh we don't do that any more, you might have the wrong bike shop" 
Me "Say what?"
Me " It says that your having it tonight at 6 on the Chico Group rides."  
Them... Silence
 Them.    Oh....Oh..... exclaming OH!  You mean "THAT ONE"   Oh yeah sorry we misunderstood you.

Me thinking to my self.....Sure.    Fat Chick walk's into your bike shop and all you think is she's too fat to do a ride like that.  
I get this a lot.     It's nothing new.

One curious thing though, the lady was sure looking my bike over like a fine tooth comb.     Yeah I have disk breaks!    
 If you don't look the ((Normal Shape)) and you want your bike fixed go to Sports LTD.   It saves you time and energy and you don't get glared at.        

I have nothing nice to say about North Rim either.  One time I went in there with cash in hand and I got ignored and here is the kicker they were not busy,  two employees were talking.  I spoke up and they stopped talking looked at me and resumed talking.     So I just left and walked home.   

There is a true paradox for heavy set people who want to better them selves.  And here is how it goes.  
1. Ewww your too fat lose weight.
2. Person go out and exercises.
3. Ewww your too fat to be exercising.
4. Person is shamed into stop exercising.
5. Ewwww your fat lose weight.
6. Repeat. 
This is so true.  Me! I'm like fuck it.  I don't give a rats ass what you think of me.  I'm riding whether said people like it or not.  I'm not there for them, I'm there for me.    
 But there are people who go out and try to make a real effort and are not as tough as I am and their feeling do get hurt too easily and they do give up, because of one stare, one glare or sneer.        
For me my reward is seeing the look on people faces when they realize I can keep up.
Don't judge a person on size, judge them by ability.   

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