Thursday, July 21, 2016

7-21-2016 20 miles

A better day today.   Rode out to Durham and then when we got home we took a break, then rode out to a coffee shop.  So by the time we get home it will be 20 miles. 
 As for the kittys their not going anywere, we got a 120 page of rules and regulations or pet right.   Their staying.  So that's that.
Stress ball me can relax.  
And I got some happy news. I am now officially a size 10. YAY!   Down 7 pant sizes.
My hubby and I have been changing up our exercise routine, in order to lose more weight we have to so were doing squats, sit ups, calf raises, jumping jacks and a lot more.  A size 8 for me is not going to magically appear like that.  It's a lot of hard work.

I might have stated this before, but the first 6 miles of a ride for me is the hardest, but something amazing happens after the 6 miles, I have no idea how to explain this, but it just all of a sudden get fun and easy.  :)      Weird.     

Oh yeah  I had to look up the word enchiladas to see how to spell it and well a gazzilion pictures of enchiladas appeared.  For the rest of the day all I could smell was cheese and enchiladas.  Cheese is not a staple in our home.  But it was a week ago.  I made enchiladas with cheese.  It was every thing I dream it could be.  
I call it Fresh Garden Salsa & Green Apple Enchiladas.   YUMMY!     Like I said the more you ride the better food taste.  

Don't be afraid to fail. Be afraid not to try the Enchiladas.   :)   :LOL

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