Friday, July 22, 2016

7/22/2016 25.23 miles

Did 25.23 mile ride into the wind. Yay. 
Note to self do alternitive exercising on days were not riding.  We decided to do some squats on the same day we road and well ya, we could feel them.  So sense our break day is tomorrow we will do every thing on that day.
So one day long ride, next day hill climbing, break day exercising & walking.  And then once a week like Saturday or Sunday a long ride.  In that order or something like that.   

Well I filled out for this contest, no I'm not going to be cycling the Tour De France any time soon, but hey why not.  Who says I can't dream big.  Right now I'm doing Tour De Chico.

P.s if you want to win the bike the contest is not over.!!!!!!! I believe it ends on the 25th.. Check it out.

 Oh no!    This is what we saw on our ride today. This is further up the Sky way.   A semi hit a power pole and started a bad fire.  We were taking a break at Star Bucks and all of a sudden their was a loud zap and the power went out, then we heard the loud fire truck and police sirens going off.   Road our bike out past Raleys and this is what we saw.  

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