Wednesday, July 6, 2016

NEW BIKE SEAT 7/6/2013 16.95 miles

 YAY!   New bike seat.    Well it turned out that I had the first seat to far forward, this is what caused the break. So now I know.  Not going to let that happen again. 
Four days off the bike, no big deal.  Some of the cycling books I read say that you can take up to a week off, to give your body a full rest. 
 It was a really great day for a ride.  Seen a lot of cool stuff.  Over toward the bike path their is a small path that passes a really small pond and their a little drainage ditch.  Came around the corner and saw about 5 turtles sun bathing, no they didn't have on their little bikini's on.  But        they were so scared of us they all splashed into the water.  We stopped walked up to the edge and one was hiding and as soon as we looked at it, it
 fled the scene and hid in deeper water.  And I found some wild grapes and their ripe, so were going to go back and pick some.   Their not as sweet as store grapes, but their still good.

Well their a stretch of road called El Monte Ave it is only 0.5 miles.  Every time we come home I go as fast as I can on it. Their is a site called GCN Global Cycling Network.   And in their part on weight loss, they recommend after a ride, going hard at the end, because it revs up your metabolism and after your ride, just doing nothing you will burn more calories.
So I start out like I always do and go fast and hard.  15, 16, 17 ,19 , 20. miles an hour with Chris right behind me.   He's getting really good at keeping up.    As I'm flying along, another cyclist passes me, he going really fast, but not for long.  All of a sudden he starts dropping in speed 20, 19 miles an hour. So I passed him at 23 miles an hour, but that was only for a few seconds.  Mind you this is not easy and yes I am breathing very hard. I even drop it to 18 to 17 and he's now behind me, but not doing so good.    I stop at the intersection to wait for Chris who I found out later even passed the guy.   Now he was way skinnier than we were.   He had stopped under a tree and I could hear him hacking, coughing and heaving.   I read enough cycling do's and don't and for a woman to drop a guy isn't a don't,  but it's really the worst thing you can do.    That is why it feels so good.     Now as for my hubby he now's that I like going fast on this section of road, so I not dropping him.  That guy is question was racing me, that were the drop come in.
Hey we've gotten dropped plenty of time already.  We will be out on our ride flying along and a pack of cyclist will come by like were standing still.  Being skinnier has it's advantages.  So when I'm 180 pound I should be able to max that stretch of road at 30 mile an  hour.  Maybe.  
And what's funny is when I'm pushing my self hard like that the happy endorphins are going crazy, because I feel really (Really) good.   I do believe it's called a riders high.   Yup that right I get high on the bike. :D  LOL

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