Thursday, July 14, 2016


 No that is not my hand, but yes it is a Picture of a Large Dutch Brother and YES I DID DRINK IT!!!!!   
My Hubby and I are an emotional mess, well I'm am an a emotional mess.   Our lives are being turned upside down and my two fur babies below are grave trouble. :( :(      With in the last past 4 days our the new manager has told us no animals in the apartments, after the fact we live their 6 years.   I am going to fight it. We have till the 22 of this month, then if their not gone we will get evicted.  
Cycling is the last thing on my our mind right now.   
I do not have children of my own, these are my babies, they complete my husbands and I lives.  I can't not function as a normal human being with out them.  

This is Fiona she was abandon and out side alone and very skinny for months on end, she came to us and only us. She would not approach any one even the local cat lady. 

This is Kahlua she was a trash cat.  Some lady stopped by the dumpster and threw her out of the car into the dumpster area.   Kahlua being a cat twisted her body and ended up landing in a bush.                                              I hope this get resolved as fast a possible.

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