Friday, February 8, 2019


Wow what a day!  I was really feeling down all day today, forced my self to do a bike ride and discover I still have what it takes with the camera. 

These little flowers were so tiny, my hand next to them seem gigantic.

 Now this is 1000 time better than the old camera.  WOW look at the detail on this Pipevine butterfly chrysalis.

 Do you see the face.  The ears eyes, nose and mouth.  This is incredible.  A caterpillar made this.
 I'm dying.  You can see the pollen on the petal.
I worked for this one, because it was really high, so I held the camera over it and guessed. This shot took about 12 takes.  This was the best one out of the 12. 
Oh yeah hear I am.  Doing a selfie with flowers.   

 Mushroom tasty and delicious.  No No and No.  LOL

Now looking even closer at the moss Squeeeeee.

More mushrooms. And I didn't even see the third one on the lower left. This was a super hard shot and I could not get the cap to focus right.  But I love my blurry mushrooms.

Oh yeah I completely forgot to take pictuers of the speedometer. LOL

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