Friday, February 28, 2020


  This is what I should be doing. I should be getting the miles in, I should be enjoying the beautiful weather. 
This is the reality.

So far I been stuck in this contraption for a week.  Not fun,

So when to the first Dr at Prompt care.  The lady was not amused, not friendly more like meh.   I told her my symptoms, she said Plantar Fasciitis, the nurse suggested Gout.  I laugh internally and rolled my eyes.

Went for a second opinion and got a little bit better logical advice.
And they did some test and discover I had a superficial blood clot.  I left there feeling like something got accomplished.

When back to my main Dr the one I try to avoid at all cost because it's like talking to cardboard.  And when you make a appointment with him it's take months.  Well he was so book up I could not make a appointment with him.  LOL   But the nurse did something amazing she got me to see another Dr on the same day.  DANG!  That never happen before.  Not complaining.  What did this Dr say on my check up.  Put your leg up, rest and ice it.     (Seriously)  Ice it.  Ice a superficial blood clot.  His demeanor was the exactly the same as the first Dr, meh don't care do this.    I've had superficial clots before and the last thing you want to do is ice it.  You want to have a warm compress on it to help break the clot up.  When people get blood clots it's from prolong sitting.  So yeah this might take a while.  I feel like shit.

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