Wednesday, March 11, 2020


 Well....................... I told my self I was going to take it easy. 
I was going to go slow and I get out there and my legs take over.   Yes I will admit the first half was a little hard, but the second half got better.  I did two sets of hill repeats that added up to 9 miles.     And yesterday I was feeling a little ill before the ride.    

I seriously can't help my self I got out there and rode up hill just to see how I would feel and kept going.   My knees were sore at the beginning and they got feeling better as I kept going. 

So yeah I have the cray cray gene.  And as I'm typing my legs are fine.   But tomorrow I have to work all day so I have to take a break.  This time no choice.   

There was a guy running and as I passed from coming down from the first lap of hill repeats he gave me a huge smile and said Way to go gal.    Hmmmmm   I wonder if he would smile at me again.   Road out to the Chain ring and back up the hill passed him and holy shit did he looked surprised and I got the look away and turned body.  It's funny how they all do that.  Little do they know.  Bwahahahaha.    

 Look back down at the Buttes.  The valley was really muggy. 
 I go up to the top then do two loops on each side road twice. 

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