Thursday, January 19, 2017

12.2 miles Airen & 25mph for one second.

Hubby and I got a last minute 12.2 ride in and just after we got back it started to rain again. So we really lucked out.  
 Bwhaaaaaa 25.1 miles an hour and not going down hill and no wind behind my back.  Ok now for the disappointing news. It only lasted for less than a second.  :(       But I was able to maintain 22 & 23 for quite a ways.  Still happy about it. 
 740 calories
 I figured the CO2 out.  I guess it's suppose to make me feel better about my Carbon offset.  With the off set now entering the White House.  I don't think this is going to help much.

Cadence I'm still dead.  (0)    Every thing else is working except this one so I got to figure it out. 

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