Thursday, January 12, 2017

12.32 miles

It was completely over cast today and it did rain on and off so I really lucked out that on my ride it did not rain.  Did I mention it was cold.   Brrrrrr. 
Hooked up my new speedometer today with help from the bike shop.   But it still has a bug, it would not work on the way home, so got to figure that out.   My speedometer has every thing and it make milk shakes too.  Well no milk shakes ha.  It has the ability to track 2 bikes, but I'm not going to set that up.  It counts miles, calories, cadence sensor, and about 12 other functions.    It a little bit harder to hit the buttons as I'm riding, but I'll get use to it.    
I need to get back into hill climbing, my body was like climb. And I also need to switch up the bikes.  I road my road bike to day so I could have help with the speedometer.    And when I got it home Yes I wash it with a fine tooth, tooth brush.   This bike is not going to get abused like the first bike did.

And I got chased by a dog for a short while. He came out of no were.   And lucky for me he didn't find me that interesting and ran after a car.    Waiting to see what the weather is like tomorrow.  

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