Monday, January 23, 2017

23.2 Airen 289.94 miles

Was stuck at the Dentist office today having filling done all I can say the whole time I was sitting in the chair of DOOM, my mind was on the bike.   My legs were not happy, my body was not happy and my face was in pain.  They always have to shoot me up with extra pain killer.  As soon as the torture was over me and my chipmunk face took off and Yes I hoped on the bike and Yes it felt good and it made me feel better.    

The ride started out cold, but it got warmer toward the middle of the ride.  It was a rather nice day, considering it was overcast and the weather report has called for rain all this week.

Hubby's back to the grind or school life.  So that's that.  :(   

Oh Yeah almost forgot did 2 reps up the hill.  Practicing with the Airen.     And OMG it's so easy.  Love it.  ;)

96 miles sense I got this contraption working and 289.94 miles for both bikes since I got my Airen.  

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