Friday, January 27, 2017

21.8 Miles Airen. 26.3 MPH TOP SPEED!

Feeling really good :) :) :)

Yeah 26.3 miles an hour.  This is my competitive side coming out.   I had another cyclist who was  decked out, the full on jersey, shoes, shades and on top of it all he was very skinny, he had that classic square jaw.    He was behind me for a full 2 1/2 miles and caught up with me because I stopped and ate a cliff bar and took a drink of water.  He passed me with the smug look of she,s too tired to go on. 

Well I caught up with him and passed him, it
 it took him a while to catch up with me and when he finally did I unleashed my competitive side on him and zoom by him like he was standing still.    For a split second I saw the 26.3 and was naaaaa it must have been 25.  But when I stop to check   AHHH   LOL      I think I sustained the speed for about a half of a minute, maybe a little longer.  ;)        Why is going fast so fun.   
Hey look I got above 14.0 :)

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