Monday, October 22, 2018


Listening to Ellie Gouling  LIGHTS.
Getting my mojo back.  
Omg there was baby lizards all over the place on the path.  I was freaking out trying not to run over them.  They are about the same size as a grasshopper.  Ahhhhhh.    It's either baby frogs out here or lizards and both are tiny. I don't think I smushed any.

Really good ride today.  Don't really care about my low average speed. 
Boy it's almost November.  That's my season to window paint and when all hell breaks lose, then I will have little to no time to ride.  So yeah!
 I do believe I have taken of picture of this in every conceivable weather condition.  Including a Thunder storm. 
 Spotted a lizard and well what do lizards do when you walk up to them.  They take off at lighting speed.   The lizard is on top of the wood fence to the left. 
 What happens when you looking for lizards well this.  I totally did not see this on my ride by. 
Why are all the plant from hell.......
Well this is called  Devils Trumpet.   Bwahhhaaaaa!   
Beautiful and extremely deadly.   

 So here is were the death trap awaits you. It's in the seeds.   However through out history the seeds have been used by people to cure illness and get ride of parasites or go on a roller coaster ride from hell with it's hallucinogenic property's. Play around with eating the seed and you don't get a free get out of jail card, your going straight to hell with the lizard. 
 666 plant.   But that being said it's still very pretty.

Mmmm cross this with the Devils claw plant and you'd get one fucked up Hellish plant that wraps around your ankle and jacks you up.   Maybe not a good idea. 

 Berries a shit load Red Fire Thorn Berries. Dang.  
 My pictures do not do justice to the amount of berried that are in one spot.

 More berries.  I have no idea what these are and could not find anything that looked like them. They look like little cherries.

 Another berry I can not identify.  These berries stick up from the leaves and do not hang down.
 I can find no berries that stick out above the leaves, they all hang down.  And the leaves don't match any or the red oval berries I've look at either.  I might have to dig deeper..
 So bird berries. 
 Ornamental Pomegranates.    
 Now wow look what I found.  I have no idea what it's called. But I do now this the plant is both male and female.   Why?  

(How ever I will admit I could be wrong.)  I'm going from what I know.

Same plant. What wait now the topis all white and the bottom is pink? 
The whole plant was mix up all over the place.  Some were all white, other were all pink, but the majority of the plant was mix in all kind of variations of pink and white.  It reminding me of a candy cane dalmatian. 
 Here are some dark pink with bit's of white. 
Very interesting though.

In later news.  OMG! I almost creamed a Pomeranian dog.   I was not going fast, but two woman were walking across the walk way just minding there own business.   So I slowed down and well went around them, and out from  behind a bush pop out a dog.  WTF!    Yeah so it lived.  When the dog is that small going slow can do damage.  So lucky dog.   

Now for the other dog story.    Well you know the goats that are surrounded by a electrical fence.  Well I did not see it, but I could here sure
hear it.     I was riding home and I saw a family on there bike across the way with a dog off leash.   The dog spotted the goat and when wild barking really loud and crazy.  I was like on the count of  4, 3, 2 , 1.   YIP YIP YIP.      He hit the fence and let out a dog version of OH shit.    LOL    Goats 1, Dog  0.

 Hmm 5mph.  lol

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