Saturday, October 27, 2018


Attention if you are someone who buy a new bike that ranges over $2,000.00  please save your sanity and avoid reading this. 

 Well this morning did not go they way I planned it to and I end up having to miss the Crush ride.   DANG!   I had stomach problems and nothing like being out in the middle of a ride....well you get the idea.  Oh well. 

Well in I help my mother in law pick out a brand new comfort bike yesterday at Sports LTD and she's tickled purple.  ( That's her favorite color)  

      So guess what I got to do I got to ride her new bike home for her. 

And here we have photo bomb Frankie.  One of the employees at Sports LTD.  He's the go to guy for bikes and lights. 
 Off I go.    WOW this brought back the wild side of my early bike adventures. The whole time I was riding I was think crap I road to Paradise on a comfort bike 3 times.  AHHHH LOL.


Specialized Roll V Low Entry

 This is a really cool bike it has really easy gear shifts off the the right hand side.  And it's painted with a special paint that is very reflective to car lights.  I only rode it 4.8 miles, but it was super fun.   I would not mind ride a bike like this one.  It made me nostalgic for my comfort bike.  

It got one big fat tire in front and is great shock absorber.

If your interested in getting starter bike, I highly recommend this one.

Almost there.

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