Friday, October 12, 2018


For anyone who's new to this site, I your reading my blog today and doing contortions reading it.  I have Aphasia. 

 I've been off the bike for a week and 7 days.  Oh Joy.  I really wanted to join the Friday group ride..............uhhhgggg.    I was all ready to go last night.  Cleaned out my water bottle and pumped up both tires.   Note to self!  Do not pump up tires bare foot.  I caught my little toe underneath the pumps base and with full force squished it.   HOLY FUCKING SHIT!    So yeah Now I'm limping with both feet.  Split little toe on the right hand side and a very sore heel on the left side.  
Well I tried, I had a bad sinus headache all last night and did not get one wink of sleep.  So yeah that killed my Friday group ride idea.    It looks likes I might have to go to the Dr to figure out why it's not going away.  Chris is still coughing, but he already getting better. 

So what have I been up to?   Denny's contacted me again and wanted another store painted with food.   Pancakes, Hamburgers and Steaks.    

I really enjoy people reaction to my art, it's priceless.   One guy walk out and said. "I just ate and your pictuers are making me want to walk right back in."   LOL  Another guy said to me that it looked so good that he wanted to lick it off the window. LOL    That is what I want to hear, if the customers are happy, they will convey that to the management and that's really good for me. 

 So basically I painted a lot of food. 


 And Steaks.

 The sun was really bright. My first painting of the Kids Eat free on the far left. And the rest of the windows.   Basically  I painted the whole front of the store.
 Eeee Gaaadd!  
Tired, congested, and at this point it's entered my ear.   I usually am pretty fast when painting, but I was really feeling sluggish.   Oh well.
I had a magical little moth moments.   Squeeee.  
Not with this particular moth. The other one flew off before I could get my camera out. Dang!  So I was painting and on my table I had a cup of water with a straw in it.  I pick up my cup take a sip and suddenly realize I have a passenger on the cup who is also drinking the water.   How cool, it was a medium size moth and he/she was rolling out it's proboscis and started lapping up the condensation on the cup.  It really was thirsty and spent a long time drinking.   Then it flew off.  That was so cool. 

In later news.  I'm going to a Customer Service Employee Referral Open House.  Yes I'm looking for a job.  I gave up 6 years ago, so if I get hired, I'm going to have to roll with it. I'm going to still bike ride when I can.   But at least I can say I did 1000 miles for 3 months.  That make me feel warm and fuzzy.   I'm hoping I can keep the window painting as a side thingy.   So we will see what happens.  

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