Saturday, October 20, 2018


I usually don't like opening up about this aspect of my life, but fuck why not, everyone else does it.
 I love cycling, it's fun, it's exciting, but sometime it just does not work.   I get out their and force my self to do a ride and nothing happens I feel the exactly the same way I did when I left. And after a couple days of this it make me feel even worst.  I've done many rides likes this.  I feel empty, like someone has scooped out my insides and there is nothing there.  This can last from 4 day to sometime 2 weeks.   Yeah I can function, but I call it my zombie mode, because I literally have nothing left to give, yeah my legs and arms work, but mentally my mind shuts off.   It's like I'm waiting for a storm to pass, it eventually does, then I'm back into another mode that I can function.      So how did I manage the 1000 miles a month in May, June and July.  Some of the rides I was in Fuck it mode, when I get focused I just power on.  Then there are time were fuck it mode does not work.     So yeah I use the word fuck a lot.  Fuck a de fuck, fuck fuck.
That's all.   

Oh look coffee........bye.    

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