Saturday, December 29, 2018


2018 was a amazing year for cycling with amazing people.   WHAT! No Friday group ride or WOW group pictuers??  Don't worry I'm going them too.  Too add them all on one blog is just way too much.

Started out 2018 wheezing and hacking and jumping right into the Butte up hill challenge series with a time of 34.34 minutes.  My lungs were not happy, but I did it.
Then five days later rode to Paradise with the Friday group ride, that was really tough because I was still hacking my brains out.  I was the last one up and the only person to wait for me was Billie, every one was gone.                                                       
Next up was a early morning ride to the covered bridge with a couple of the WOW women.   Out of all my pictuers this is the best one.

Then I got my fem-a stash one and rode 110 miles.  This was not planned out it just happened.

On my way to 110 miles.
 Next up with the Velo Love Ride.  Were being cold has a new meaning.   it was 32 degree and the wind chill factor it felt like 27. 
And as the love ride got going, guess what it didn't warm up.   The day before was sunny and warm and the day after was sunny and warm.
We all expected it to warm up, nope we all froze our butts off, but never less it was a awesome day.  And you can see the pink buds on the trees behind me.  Cold and beautiful ride.

50 Miles in rain and hail it a experience all it's own.

50 Miles in the wind.  Look at my hair!  LOL   My average speed here was only 11.1, like going up will all the way.

This is my post from the day after doing 33.4 miles. LMAO
Well I did it. 800 miles ridden on the bike for February and 
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was a suffer fest.
I am so tired, I'm beyond tired and I thought yesterday was a hard ride.   Today was worst, this was metal draining and my energy level was shit.   And the (@238&##@!) wind, uhhhhggggg.   I didn't even go to up to Horse Shoe lake I tried my best to stay level.  Level is my friend.
My legs hate me. I feel so drained, I feel like a zombie.    I was thinking about joining the WOW group this morning, then decided I better not.  I'm glad I didn't, I would have not been able to keep up with them.    So yeah I not riding until I'm back to normal.  My legs are so tired, when I get up or down they twitch.    I'm going to fall over now.............later.

Next up was the wager.   I got off to a rocky start but I managed to yet 1000 miles a month for May June, and July.  As for September I had work come up so that killed the last 1000 miles.  Bummer.

And more riding in the hail and rain and oh yeah this time there was lightning.

My last hick up from my Bernard Roth Syndrome.  I'm just really amazed is it finally gone?  Believe me I don't miss it.
 Volunteering for the Down Town Stage Races.
Hubbies at school most of the time so getting my rides in with him as much as I can.

New speedometer.  Got it at the end of March.
This is what it currently at in over all miles.

 Feeling alive in the rain.

 And the hail.  Ouch!
This is my favorite photo.
 With hubby at a party for the volunteers. Yummy.

 Volunteering for the critters.

 More fun with hubby.
 My first 1000 miles
 My first realization of 70 miles and doing the Crit.
 My second 1000 miles and hitting 10,000 mile mark.
I have a third picture of the 3rd 1000, but could not find it.
 Making my fans happy.

Making  hubby happy with new bike.

Going to the Amain party.

And at 7,058.01 miles 
2018 was awesome for riding and 2019 is going to be awesome!   Even if I can't beat this record I'm going to try to get as closes as I can.  

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